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September 14, 2023

Small businesses that have adopted online inventory control software still prefer accessing it from their laptops or tablets over mobile phones. Whether it is a force of habit or distrust towards mobile inventory apps, there’s no telling. What we do know is that not using mobile phones for out-of-the-office operations is a lost opportunity. In this blog post, we’ll uncover 6 reasons why you’re better off with mobile inventory management.

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1. It’s all about saving

Mobile inventory control is a cost-effective alternative to otherwise pricey inventory management hardware. All-in-one handhelds alone start at $1800-2000 per device and the price of the software goes on top of it. It’s a pretty substantial upfront investment, not to mention the time it takes to set everything up.

Mobile phones with minimal technical requirements can be effectively used in the field as barcode scanners, inventory tracking, purchasing, sales, and online payment tools from day one. It’s a lot less outlay for a small company on a tight budget.

2. Data hygiene

Inventory data accuracy is greatly improved by centralizing it within one system but not limiting it to one platform. Updated inventory, purchasing, and shipping information can flow uninterrupted and seamlessly between mobile devices, laptops and tablets wherever they are.  

3. Decision-making based on the actual state of things

With mobile inventory control, there is no delay between completing a transaction on the phone and the office-warehouse team knowing about it right away. Decisions or discussions about how inventory should be allocated, whether or not there is a need for replenishment or pricing adjustments are based on live data. Having a pocket-sized full-blown inventory tool anytime and anywhere you go helps respond and plan better.

4. Native mobile experience

There are tasks that are better done from the web app, like data import/export, going over analytics, setting things up, granting access, etc. Scanning products in and out of the warehouse clearly belongs to the mobile platform. Mobile capabilities like scanning barcodes, taking photos of products and customers’ signatures, emailing documents on the go are something that mobile-optimized software can do with less efficiency than native apps.

We at HandiFox have built native Android and iOS apps to transfer the handiest business functionality and best experience to your phones. Here is more on what you can accomplish using them. 

5. Offline mode

Being able to save your work locally in the event of a poor Wi-Fi signal or its absence is invaluable. Both HandiFox Android and iOS apps can save your progress until you’re back online and able to sync your device with QuickBooks and other HandiFox devices. This is not feasible with Wi-Fi-dependent web-based inventory systems. 

6. It’s free

Not always, but in the case of HandiFox it’s true. The HandiFox mobile comes as a free extension to the desktop or online app one usually installs/uses on their office computers. All you need to take care of is find mobile devices that fit the tech requirements and your warehouse or out-of-the-warehouse conditions. 

To get into the swing of things of mobile inventory management, request a free PDF copy of our Mobile Inventory Management Guide or download our Android or iOS app to experience them firsthand.

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