HandiFox has always been an Android guy, really... And it totally made sense. Considering how geographically diverse our user base is, Android has seemed to be this perfect option for small businesses of any size and budget. But it also was a show-stopper for those that preferred iOS over Android. We are excited to announce that we have extended HandiFox Online to be used on Apple devices (iPhones and iPads). Let’s zoom in on the brand new app, its functionality and the major UI/UX revamp of HandiFox Online.
Rethought. Reworked. Reimagined. New UI
From a functionality standpoint, the new app inherits the powerful feature-set of the Android app, but it is nothing like it visually. We tried to move and hide the overwhelming number of fields and buttons that might be clogging up some of the screens of the Android app to achieve a clearer and more intuitive UI. Less orange, more white :-) This new fresh look with so much more space and air between UI elements will unload the user’s mind and simplify the search, letting them focus on the tasks ahead.
As opposed to the main dashboard screen of the Android app or the three vertical dots icon used to navigate to different parts of the software from all screens (inventory, sales, customers, etc.), the iOS app offers a menu tab bar which enables quick access to all the modules of the software.
Additionality, you get to choose your home screen based on whether you work more with sales, purchasing, transfers, inventory counting or whatever transactions are the main focus of your attention. Go to ‘More’, ‘Select main screen’ and make your choice. Next time you log in, the first thing you are going to see is the home screen you picked.
The UI of the iOS app is about logic, better organization and focus. The app shows as much information as you need to see in the current context. To see more activities/tasks, tap on an item, customer name, or transaction number and you will see a popover with all available options.
Over to the functionality
The new iOS app allows HandiFox Online users to:
- Track and manage inventory items
- Stay up to date on products’ availability and status
- Conduct and receive inventory transfers across inventory sites
- Cycle-count or do physical inventory of the entire stock
- Track and manage purchase orders
- Receive against open purchase orders
- View and edit customer profiles & transaction history
- Generate and track sales orders
- Invoice on the go
- Record payment receipt
- Leverage the offline mode when there is no data connectivity
- Quickly synchronize inventory data back to QuickBooks via pull-to-refresh
Some of the functionality improvements include quick synchronization via pull-to-refresh and the ability to conduct a series of counting sessions in one go to speed up cycle counts.
Coming soon:
- Scanning in items' barcodes with a phone's camera or a Bluetooth barcode scanner
- Printing transactions from a mobile device
- Serial/lot number/expiry date tracking
- Pick/Pack
- Returns management via Credit Memo
We do hope our existing users will adjust to the new design and layout painlessly, in case they decide to swap Android phones for iPhones or iPads. And we do want our new users to enjoy the simplicity and organization we aimed at when developing the new app. The iOS mobile app is available for download in any of the three subscription packages (Start, Optima and Pro). Feel free to contact us at sales@handifox.com with any questions or concerns.