HandiFox Online is not only an inventory management tool that has the tightest integration with QuickBooks Online there can be, letting you see and keep track of inventory transactions as if they were created in QuickBooks originally. It also augments the sales functionality of the accounting software by smoothing sales operations over and ultimately bringing ease into field sales. This blog post covers the sales functionality of HandiFox Online and the video below lets you see how it all works on the mobile device and interfaces with QuickBooks Online.
HandiFox Online Sales features include the following capabilities:
• View/review/create new customers and their open balances. Customer names can be barcoded and scanned for quicker search
• Create/change Sales Orders (SO). To add items to a SO, pick items on the item list or scan the barcodes. Keep track of what customers are ordering and see how many pieces are on order
• Create Invoices based on one or multiple existing SO’s or from scratch.
• Capture the customer signature right on the device for it to go on the Invoice
• Print SO’s, Invoices, lists of transactions created by any given app user
• Two-step shipment verification - Picking & Packing. SO’s and Invoices can be picked once all ordered items are found in a warehouse and then packed for shipment
• Receive payments against open Invoices
• Create a Sales Receipt upon the delivery and payment by the customer
• Document returned goods via Credit Memos
• See shortage alerts so that you can make sure you are selling what you do have on hand
All operations are sped up and facilitated by the use of bar coding.
The app is wireless-independent, which means that you can create/edit/save transactions without an Internet connection and sync your device with QuickBooks when you get back online.
Sign up for a free 14-day trial of HandiFox Online Pro - it can become a real game-changer for your business.