Receiving inventory

While receiving ordered stock from vendors a lot of things can go wrong. With HandiFox they can be set right again.

  • Receiving defective shipments. Faulty products can be traced back to a PO, the site it was taken into, and, consequently, the Vendor as all of them are linked in the system
  • Checking in wrong quantities/wrong articles. The app alerts the user if either the quantities or item properties (encoded in a scanned barcode) do not match the original PO
  • Receiving takes too long, if done manually on paper. HandiFox allows you to receive and input stock much quicker, and in a paperless way
  • Receiving multiple purchase orders is insanely hard. With HandiFox you can receive multiple POs in one pass.
  • Inaccurate reporting of what is received in the accounting system produces inconsistencies. What is received in HandiFox Online, gets into QuickBooks Online upon synchronization, so your accounting data is in line with inventory records.

Now, the nitty-gritty of Receiving in HandiFox Online.

The web app of HandiFox allows you to receive items against existing purchase orders, from scratch or do a combination of both.

Receiving a Purchase Order

Go to Purchase transactions and find the order on the list by typing in the number, or filtering by site, vendor, or status (Open, Received, Partially Received, Closed). In the Action column choose Receive. Alternatively, you can just click on a PO and then press the “Receive PO” button.



The app will take you to a new transaction - Item Receipt.  

  1. Make sure you choose the site to receive items into.

  2. The BO field displays the quantity still remaining to be received as per P.O. # which is shown in the column to the left

  3. Scan barcodes by setting the cursor over the Scan Barcode box or choose articles from the drop-down menu and manually enter quantities.

  4. If the ‘Receive all’ checkbox is unchecked, item quantities get zeroed out. If you check it, your will skip the verification altogether and the app will think of this stock receipt as verified and will add items to your current inventory

  5. If you receive more or fewer items than was ordered, the app assigns the “partially received” status to the current Item Receipt or shows you a warning respectively.


Batch receiving

You can create a new Item Receipt transaction and receive multiple POs at once. On the right, you will see the app suggest a list of open POs that you can add to this transaction. The POs added and received in this Item Receipt will be considered received in full.

Receive from scratch

Go to Purchase transactions and click on the + icon to create a new Item Receipt. Add items from the drop-down menu or scan in barcodes. This transaction will not be linked to any of the existing POs.  

Receiving on a mobile device

In the mobile app, go to PO Center, highlight a PO and tap Receive. The mobile app allows receiving just one PO at a time but you can have several people check in inventory concurrently. The mobile app will highlight rows with wrong quantities in red.

Key takeaways and action points:

  1. Receiving inventory in HandiFox is accelerated through barcode scanning and the ability to receive multiple POs at a time. 

  2. Received items are linked to relevant Purchase Orders which makes the tracing back much easier

  3. You can receive and input stock from the web or mobile app with the only difference being that the latter will not let you include several POs into one Item Receipt. 

Head to кнопка HandiFox Online Wiki for detailed instructions or check out the video guide on the Purchasing functionality of HandiFox Online to see how receiving is done. 

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