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Reports and business insights
HandiFox Online provides a quick visual of actionable inventory and sales data for fact-driven decision-making.
- Device Activity report tracks all transactions done on mobile devices and lets you see what actions were carried on one specific device or all devices within a chosen date range for selected sites. This report comes in handy while monitoring some internal processes or tracking down certain transactions to users.
- Transaction by Serial/Lot Number report lets you quickly trace serialised and lot numbers to associated transactions based on the expiration date, transaction type, site, and date range
- Inventory transactions by item report shows all inventory movements (all transactions that impacted items’ quantity on hand values) for a given timeframe, letting you narrow or broaden the selection by choosing a site or a specific item you would like to run the report for.
- A series of sales reports - by customer, by product, by user.
The ‘sales by customer’ report shows the total amount of sales by customer for the selected time period. It can help you manage and better your relationships with customers by identifying who is contributing to your bottom line more than anyone else and maybe running some specials or setting different pricing for these clients. There is also a more detailed version of this report (‘Sales by customer detail) that lists all items sold to the chosen customer.
The ‘sales by product/service’ report gives you a snapshot of how well your inventory has been doing and facilitates demand forecasting. There are two versions - ‘Summary’ showing the item’s contribution to the total sales percentage wise and ‘Detail’ listing all related sales transactions.
The ‘sales by user’ report reflects the performance of your sales personnel by showing their input into the profit in numerical terms. Summary reveals the total sales for each user, while Detail lists all sales closed by a selected user.
- Purchase reports by vendor and by product enable you to form a judgement about the selling potential of products by different suppliers and plan your restocking better.
Purchase by Vendor (Summary, Detail) reports show the total amount of purchases and what purchase transactions were carried out for the chosen vendor within the selected date range.
Purchase by Product/Service (Summary, Detail) reports show the total amount of purchases for a given item and also list associated purchase transactions.